People with disabilities take their destiny in hand at Lilavois

In recent months members of the Lilavois community have been taking their futures into their own hands. Through funding and training from the Christian Blind Mission (CBM), a German NGO that works with associations for people with disabilities in Haiti, and members from the Organization for the Human Rights of the Deaf and Mute (ODDSM in French), these citizens are manufacturing and marketing detergent. The "Altair" products are already available in various markets in the metropolitan area, including Croix-des-Bouquets, Delmas, and Mariani.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
21 nov. 2014 | Lecture : 3 min.
llTwenty disabled people (men and women, all deaf), are hard at work in the ODDSM detergent production facility, located at Lilavois 62 B (Croix-des-Bouquets), observed Le Nouvelliste during a visit to the facility. In four large bowls stamped CBM-USAID, they carefully mix raw materials to produce liquid soap, dishwashing liquid, and disinfectant, among other products. Once the mixtures are completed, they are dumped into barrels pending product packaging. In an adjacent room, they store the boxes and gallons of detergents that will be sold on

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