Certified agro-trainers, EMA’s to reopen soon

Officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and the University of California-Davis presented certificates to18 agro-trainers the weekend of August 16th in Dondon. They received intensive training for a month to empower them to train middle managers in the agricultural sector. From July 16th to August 15th, under the direction of the University of California-Davis, in partnership with the Ministry, American and Haitian teachers held practice sessions with prospective trainers. This was a huge opportunity for the agricultural sector which is a priority for the current administration.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
29 août 2014 | Lecture : 2 min.
The campus of l’Ecole moyenne d’agriculture de Dondon (EMAD in French) was chosen for site where the training took place. Key themes were discussed and developed, and proponents of this training focused on the methodology entitled "Learning by doing.” Lesson planning, gardening, soil conservation, mapping, composting, group management, and rearing chickens were emphasized by the trainers. Several types of farming were practiced, and a barn was set up during the months of training According to the agro-trainers, the practical sessions were very

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