Don’t ruin your Diet

Who else is guilty of saying “Diet starts Monday” every weekend? We always decide to go on diets on Mondays but when the weekend comes, we seem to forget about our little commitment made earlier in the week. Fact of the matter is we prefer going out to happy hours with our friends or to Sunday brunch with the family, and it seems impossible to follow this diet when we are tempted by so many goodies. Waffles and mimosa? Who says no to that? But the good news is you can still follow your diet plan WHILE enjoying your weekend. With a few planning tips and willpower you can actually go out with friends without overindulging and feeling guilty.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
10 avr. 2014 | Lecture : 2 min.
With that said, here are a few planning tips to enjoy your weekend while staying on your diet: Drink more water. This is already a number 1 rule when it comes to dieting. Keep a water bottle handy with you throughout the weekend as hunger is oftentimes confused for thirst. You will be surprised to see that you were not actually hungry after drinking some water. Don’t hold out for a big meal. This is a big no-no when it comes to dieting. When you wait too long to eat you tend to first of all over order at a restaurant and overeat. Thinking that

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