Local taxation, a variable worth advocating

The fourth International Summit on Finance and Applied Technology was opened on Monday April 7th, at the Karibe Hotel. Organized by the Croissance Group, the summit was centered on finding the local potential of the country, and several major issues relating to municipal finances were discussed. Administrators from the public n and the private sector, as well as foreign experts participated in the summit

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
10 avr. 2014 | Lecture : 2 min.
The state of local finances was presented thoroughly during the summit. The focal point of this meeting was the presentation and discussions on draft laws for local taxation. Interim officials and several political actors aware of this situation ignited the room and as a result intense discussions took place. The summit was an opportunity for interim officials to make recommendations so that their communities can embark on the path of development. Presentations demonstrated the low capacity of the 140 municipalities in the country as very few

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