Surtab, the 100% Haitian tablet

llIt is a simple and ambitious project.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
30 déc. 2013 | Lecture : 2 min.
llIt is a simple and ambitious project. Assemble all of the tablets parts (Ipad mini style) in Haiti in the heart of the National Society of Industrial Parks (Sonapi in French) located on Rue de l’aéroport. With an investment of 600,000 USD, Ulla and JP Bak, Marteen Boute, and the Coles group chose to meet the challenge in a country where few assembly projects were coming in for the final product and it works. Surtab is for sale and for use throughout Haiti. It is more than just a tablet it is a phone, a radio, and a gateway to multiple potent

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